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How To: Boost the Eyes on Your Live Classes
How To: Boost the Eyes on Your Live Classes

The best things to do to boost the number of eyes on your live streams.

Updated over a week ago

If you’re struggling to get your numbers up in your live classes, don’t be disheartened - there are a few things you can actively be doing to help boost them.

These are top tips:

1] Use Instagram Q&A or polls

These are a great way to get your audience engaged and can help give you a focus point for the content you will be discussing and/or answering in the lives.

2] Countdowns and reminders

We all lead busy lives so it’s very likely that people aren’t logging into your lives because they simply forget! So reduce the chances of that happening by posting story countdowns and reminders for a few days before you first go live.

3] Think about timings

Perhaps you have a lot of international followers who won’t be on the same timezone as you. Perhaps you have a lot of parents who have to fit things in around family life. Or perhaps you’re followers and mainly working 9-5, so hosting a life a 4pm will mean very few will actually be able to join. Taking into consideration the type of lifestyles and/or timezones of your followers will better inform when you go live.

4] Make sure lives are set up to all tiers

If your members can’t access the lives, attendance is going to be low - whilst this may seem obvious, it’s an easy step to miss out and not check. So make sure they’re set up so that members of all tiers can access them.

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