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Marketing 101: Promoting Your Free Trial

How To Promote You Free Trial to Attract More Subscribers

Updated over a week ago

It’s all very well telling your followers all the amazing types of content you offer on your platform, but we humans are visual creatures, and, let’s face it, we’d all love to try before we buy, right? So give the people what they want by running a free trial. And remember, you have control over what is available to those on a trial - by not giving them access to all of your content the trial acts as a great 'teaser'! The next question is, how do you go about promoting this? Here are a few tips

Think about the terminology

People will want to use the free trial almost as ‘browsing’ time. They don’t want to commit to anything, they want to take a look so reminding them that there’s “no commitment” and that they can “cancel anytime” is reassuring to hear when you want to dip your toes in.

Think about the length of the trial

The most common free trial offering is 7 days, but if you offer lots of different types of content e.g. on-demand videos, downloadable guides, live classes, and maybe even audio content 7 days may not be enough time for people to be able to trial all these options. In this case, perhaps a 14-day trial would be more appropriate.

Use it as a seasonal promotion

Perhaps it’s a Bank Holiday and you want to run a seasonal discount, why not consider extending your free trial from its standard length to double the amount of time if members sign up before a set day? It’s a great alternative to just a regular price discount.

Ready to get going?

Why not use one of our IG story templates as a starting point? You can customise the colours to your brand and use these templates as a starting point for promoting your free trial.

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