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How To: Film Yourself Exercising
How To: Film Yourself Exercising

Our top tips to make sure your classes are clear, effective, and of the highest quality.

Updated over a week ago

If you’re new the world of filming online classes, you're in the right place. We've put together our top tips on how to film yourself exercising, to ensure your clients know exactly how to to complete your workouts safely and effectively!

Here are our top tips:

  1. Filming from 2 different angles is always best in order to highlight the mechanics of the movements.

  2. Filming from side-on or from behind is often best when it comes to the view and best being able to demonstrate the mechanics [see point above].

  3. Ensure that the reps are performed in a slow and steady manner, around 6 to 10 reps is usually enough.

  4. If possible, don’t have anyone in the background of the shot.

  5. Make sure the camera is steady - we recommend using a tripod.

  6. Film the movements in landscape position to make sure no part of you is cut out which leads on to…

  7. Make sure your whole body is in the shot so no part of a demonstration is missed.

  8. If the camera is moving with you [i.e in movements such as walking lunches] make sure the cameraman is moving at the same pace as you and stays at the same level throughout.

  9. Check your filming settings. If using an Iphone to film your workouts, make sure you check your settings before you press record. We recommend filming in 4k to have the highest quality video available.

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