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Marketing 101: Community Board Best Practices
Marketing 101: Community Board Best Practices

Our top tips on how to manage your community board

Updated over a week ago

Keep your members engaged and thriving and connect with them directly with your platform's community board. These are top tips on how to do it!

Show up!

The number one rule? Show up. You can’t expect your members to hang around if you’re not there so be consistent, check in frequently and remember, you’re the host! If you’re there, your community will be too.

Post your schedule

If you host regular live classes or perhaps upload new on-demand workouts on specific days, then make sure your community know about it - especially when it comes to lives, you obviously can’t expect people to be there if you don’t let them know they’re happening. People also appreciate being able to plan their weeks, especially if they’re fitting it in around work/family/life - so giving them a heads up on when to expect new content [and what kind of content] will keep your community present and engaged.

Share new videos

You’ve put your time and energy into creating your content, so obviously you want to shout about it. Before heading straight to social, share it with your current community ensuring they are the first to know. Don’t forget to share the link and/or the details of how to access, most of the time people are more likely to engage with something if it’s easy and straightforward!

Ask questions

Remember that the board is, at it’s core, a place to chat so give your community the chance to engage by asking the questions and make the conversation 2-way. Some examples could be:

  • Have you tried X class this week?

  • What are your goals this month?

  • What kind of content would you like to see more of?

  • Would you be interested in X [e.g X = a live class this week? / a workshop on X technique etc.]

These questions could also include asking for feedback. For example:

  • What did you think of the style of class we did in the live on Monday?

  • Do you prefer 60 minute classes or 30 minute?

  • Would you like more live classes?

  • Would you like written fitness guides to accompany the on-demand videos?

Hosted a live stream? Head to the community board for the ‘cool-down’

The vibe after a great class is often the best kind of vibe - everyone is buzzing, high on endorphins and full of energy - so don’t let that go to waste just because you’re not in a studio together! Jump onto the community board and encourage your members to do so too and keep the energy going. It’s likely people will have questions so this gives them the space to ask without having to dm you elsewhere.

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