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How To: Design your WithMe

A more in-depth 'how-to' breaking down your WithMe page design and using it to achieve the best results

Updated over a week ago

Creating a platform you’re proud of is step one in growing your WithMe. The design of your platform - think layout, imagery, copy etc. - may not seem that important in the grand scheme of building it out, but it could be the make or break of converting potential clients to paying subscribers.

So, we’re breaking down the different areas we think it important to focus on to put you in the best position start expanding.

Work your way through each one and watch your subscriber number grow!

1) The Bio

Just like your Instagram bio, say, your platform bio is such an important element of your set up. It could well be what converts potential clients into paying members. It should be concise and to the point whilst also summing up what it is you’re offering. Adding a little about your qualifications and/or how long you’ve been teaching/sharing your offering is a good idea to give yourself some backing. People like to reassured that you know what you’re talking about and are doing so from a qualified position.

2) The Video

This is an element of your platform's page that WithMe are really proud of as it sets your page apart from any of your other channels [e.g Instagram]. You don’t have to film something exclusively for this but we’d definitely recommend it as it means you can add a personalised touch and welcome message to anyone arriving on your platform. Like your bio, make sure to summarise clearly what it is you offer and how you approach it. Explain what people can expect from your classes and perhaps even give them a teaser! We’ve seen creators use talking to camera videos as well as montages and both look and work great.

3) The Featured Category

This is the first category/set of videos that subscribers [and potential] subscribers will see when they arrive on your platform so it’s important that this is relevant to your overall WithMe. Do you offer a lot of live classes? Perhaps consider featuring your live schedule. Have you put a lot into creating downloadable guides for your subscribers? Make sure they get the airtime they deserve by featuring them. Or maybe your offering is unique because all your classes target/work on something specific and so are categorised accordingly? In which case why not mix up which one is categorised and it will always feel fresh.

4) The Thumbnails

There’s nothing worse, as a subscriber, to have to individually click through to each video to find out what it is about or offering. If things take longer than people want it to it’s a big deterrent so you want to make sure you’re making life as easy as possible. Equally, as the creator, there’s nothing worse than spending your time and energy creating amazing content only for it to never be seen. So, how to avoid these problems? Make your thumbnail crystal clear! Try to keep the copy to a minimum. What copy there is make it easy to read when scrolling.

5) The Type of Content

One of the great things about being a creator on WithMe [and yes, we’re biased] is the choice of content that you’re able to offer your subscribers. Even if you only came to the platform as a fitness instructor and only intended on sharing on-demand and live classes, take advantage of what else you can share. Perhaps think about creating written guides that your clients can download and keep? Try hosting a live class once or twice a week. And maybe even consider starting an exclusive podcast by uploading audio only content. Being able to offer this variation means your subscribers will feel like they’re getting more for their money!

Need to feel inspired, take a look at a few of our creators and how they're using their WithMe platforms here:

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