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Marketing 101: Using IG Q&A's

How to use to the IG Q&A box to bring about the most success

Updated over a week ago

Being driven by your members is one surefire way of being able to maintain memberships to your platform - but how to know what your subscribers really want? Simple…ask them! When it comes to reviewing your activity to help inform what kind of content you create going forwards, analytics show a pretty picture of what’s working and what's not. But if you’re after more than numbers, going straight to your audience is another really great way of getting feedback.

For this, the IG Q&A box is your best friend because you can talk directly to your followers and get real-time, immediate responses. And you don’t have to be limited to just one question or type of question. Posting a few means you’ll get even more insight and be sure to use multiple-choice and open answers to give your followers the chance to share what they really love!

Some examples could be…

Multiple choice [polls] - post-launch:

  • What kind of classes do you prefer?
    list each type of class you prefer [e.g. core / full-body / HIIT etc.]

  • What time of day do you prefer the live classes?
    AM or PM

  • Would you be interested in more live workouts?
    yes or no

  • Would you use written workouts as well as video classes?
    yes or no

  • What about recipes to support your workouts?
    yes or no

Open questions - post-launch:

  • Anything else you’d like to see more of?

  • Anything that you don’t connect with on the platform?

  • Any other questions?

If you’re yet to launch and plan the content you want to go live some examples of questions could be:

Multiple choice [polls] - prelaunch:

  • What kind of classes would you love to see on my NEW platform?
    list each type of class you can offer [e.g. core / full-body / HIIT etc.]

  • If I were to host live classes when would be best?
    AM or PM

  • Would you use written workout guides as well as video classes?
    yes or no

  • Would you like recipes too?
    yes or no

Open questions - prelaunch:

  • Anything else you’d love to see when I launch in X weeks?

  • Any other questions for me?

Here are some great examples from WithMe creators...

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