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Marketing 101: How to Market to Your Key Audience
Marketing 101: How to Market to Your Key Audience

The Tactics to Help You Better Connect with Your Key Audience.

Updated over a week ago

The average engagement for a creator is between 1-5% of an overall following. Of this, not every person will see the news about your platform and then take up the call to actions - even if the platform and your workouts are perfect for them. Here are a few tactics to help you better connect with your key audience and help them on their journey to your platform.

The Who:

First let’s establish who your ‘key audience’ are. These are the people that:

  • DM you

  • Comment on your posts

  • Like your posts

  • View your stories

They are actively engaged with your content on a consistent basis. The above is listed in order of importance, as those who DM you should be thought of as even more engaged as the people singularly viewing your content. Identifying these people are key in order to target the segment of your audience that will be most likely to want to buy from you.

The How:

To market to these people start by composing a standard message you can easily copy and paste in DM’s to the identified audience above.

Example of a pre-launch “exclusive invite”:

Hey x,

Hope you’re well? Thanks so much for all the support over on my page. It’s always so appreciated!

I wanted to message you to share that I'm launching my online fitness platform next week on Wednesday, the 7th. The pre-launch waitlist has gone live today, which gives you an exclusive 20% off coupon code when we launch.

No commitment is needed, but I'd love for you to come on over and sign up to the waitlist ready to give it a go. Here's the link:

Let me know if you have any questions? Or would like to see anything in particular on the platform? Your feedback is gold!

Love X

Example of an “exclusive discount code”:

Hey x,

Hope you’re well? Thanks so much for all the support over on my page. It’s always so appreciated!

As you may know I recently launched my online fitness platform which is home to my 30-60 minute workouts, skill videos, live classes and so much more.

I'd love for you to come on over and give it a go if it’s something you’re interested in. Along with the 7 day free trial, I’d love to give you a 50% off discount code for the first month so you can give it a go and let me know what you think. Your thoughts are so valued! Here's the link:

Please let me know what you think, and if it’s not for you please do let me know so I can pass the offer on to someone else.

Have a great day!

Love, x

The Result:

Once you’ve got your draft messages go through and start to message your audience. Looking at who fits into the ‘key audience’ category above and reaching out directly to them. We like to use google sheets, inputting the name of the person next to a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ if they’ve replied. This way you can track your success and A/B test different messages to see which one gets the best results.

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