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Case study: @Gemmab.slimming road to 6 figures!
Case study: @Gemmab.slimming road to 6 figures!

How Gemma created a meal plan to build a passive income stream and turned her hobby into a product that now helps a community of thousands.

Updated over a week ago

In 2019, overcoming struggles with weight loss and a personal goal for accountability led university graduate Gemma to start sharing motivational content and recipes on her Instagram to support and inspire her audience. This case study explores the journey of a food content creator who built a community around honesty and reality, helping others overcome struggles similar to her own.


Gemma's inspiration stemmed from a desire to keep herself accountable in her food choices. Despite studying Spanish and embarking on a different career path straight out of university, she found her calling in helping people through her own experiences with meal planning.

Challenges and Motivations

Initially, Gemma faced the challenge of starting meal plans without knowing where to begin. She recognised the need for an all-in-one place that could assist others like her. Her motivation was deeply personal—she wanted to help others manage their struggles with meal planning, something she had grappled with herself. It was at this time that WithMe approached Gemma about creating her own membership platform!

Building a Community

Gemma's authenticity resonated with her audience, leading to a community of engaged fans. Her honest and real approach fostered a supportive environment where members felt understood and motivated.

Growth and Impact

Starting with a modest goal of reaching 100 people, the creator's membership has now grown to thousands. At 23 years old, she has turned her hobby into a job, consistently working to expand her reach and help more members.

Launching her 1:1 coaching earlier this year, Gemma now offers personalised plans to a growing number of individuals alongside her membership, fully pursuing her dream to make a tangible difference in people's lives

By turning an idea into a product, this young entrepreneur has not only achieved her first goal but has also established a successful business model that continues to grow. Her story is a testament to how a clear vision, coupled with a genuine desire to help others, can lead to remarkable success!

Which platform tools and strategies has Gemma utilised to help her grow her business?

  • Membership with multiple tiers; meaning her platform is accessible to all. Gemma offers a saving on her membership if her members pay annually (a great client retention tool.) - How to structure your membership

  • Community group chat; Gemma engages with her audience, offering tips, motivation and updates them on her weekly content uploads - Community board best practices

  • 1:1 Coaching; where she can offer personalised advise and review weekly checkins to encourage accountability - The advantages of asynchronous 1:1 coaching

  • Content collections are clearly labelled to follow along easily and she highlights the latest collection in both her social promotion and in the community group. - How to edit or create a collection.

  • Social media promotion; Gemma uploads a new meal plan weekly so will use her content upload day as a chance to also promote her platform on her IG, both in stories and on her grid. She posts stories daily with at least 3 or 4 days of the week including her platform link where relevant linking to a recipe, fitness content, mindset around weight loss or whilst sharing her member created content. This strategy ensures Gemma has a stream of new members subscribing weekly. - How to plan your social content and offer value consistently.

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