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Tips for Promoting on Launch Day

You’ve done all the hard work in the run up to your launch so don’t let it go to waste!

Updated over a week ago

You’ve done all the hard work in the run up to your launch so don’t let it go to waste! You, rightly, want to create as much buzz around the day of your launch as possible so it’s important to have a content plan in place to optimise this opportunity.

These are our top tips on how to do just that.

1] Share the launch on stories with CTA’s and links to sign up. You can use the templates that we've put together and linked below to help. It’s good to include a mix of graphic posts and talking to the camera to make it more personable. Make sure the link describes what they're signing up to, for example 'try 7 days free' or 'workout with me today'.

Remind your waitlist members to sign up using their discount code: When you publish your platform FitWith will send a series of emails to everyone on the waitlist. These emails happen on launch day, 3 days post launch and 7 days post launch. As those on the waitlist only have 7 days to redeem their 20% off it's up to you to be telling them this on socials.

It's a good idea to remind people to check their spam folder and reiterate that the code will expire 7 days after your launch. You can even include a countdown on your stories you can use each time you're talking about this.

2] Alongside your stories don’t forget to post a reel, video or a carousel on your grid to announce the launch and pin the post to the top of your profile so it’s easy to find even after launch day. You can use this template that we’ve put together. Highlight key membership information in your caption.

3] Either on launch day or within the first couple of days, open up your Q&A box so people can easily ask you what the platform is about and the type of content you’re sharing.

4] Most importantly, don't forget to keep momentum after you launch! In order for people to sign up to a membership, they want to be really clear on what they’re subscribing to and what their membership will offer them. Make sure you repeat the story of the product, and the ways they can get involved. For example 'Try my 7 day free trial' and 'New videos released every Monday and Wednesday'. Find phrases you can use time and time again.

Tip: Post consecutive sets of IG stories a few times a week with your customised link giving your audience an action to click through. Don't let one story get lost amongst photos of cute dogs or funny memes!

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