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Marketing 101: How to Promote Your Waitlist

Understand Why a Waitlist is an Invaluable Tool to Marketing your Platform and How to Promote it

Updated over a week ago

Having a waitlist before your online platform launches is a great way to help build anticipation and create a buzz around the launch. Remember your waitlist page can be shared without needing any content ready, as your audience will only see the banner, profile image and welcome video (if you have chosen to have one).

  • It gives you the opportunity to talk and push your online platform before launch day with a ‘call to action’ that gets your followers registering their interest.

  • The waitlist sign up takes potential customer emails, which gives you a ready to go email list that you can use to sell too for months to come.

  • It allows you to gauge demand for the platform before it is released, and start to understand your social media post to page view conversion. This conversion helps inform you of the metrics around your social media posts. If you post once, and receive 100 page views and 50 waitlist sign ups you have a metric that can help you plan your launch posts.

    There is a myriad of ways to promote your waitlist, but some of our favourites include:

  • Announcing the launch of your waitlist on stories. We’ve created a series of templates to use here that you can use to push your waitlist on your stories and feed.

  • Talking about the waitlist at the start and end of a Q&A series. Announcing the waitlist and then opening it up to questions which help you promote the product. For example someone might ask you what it includes, which gives you the perfect opportunity to sell. Make sure you include CTA at the start, and end of the story series.

  • Doing a live stream, or perhaps a live workout on Instagram to celebrate and promote the waitlist launching. It gives you the opportunity to tell them about the waitlist, celebrate it launching and show them what they'll be getting if they join.

  • Determining who your key followers are and reaching out to them directly via DM. Your key followers are those followers who watch your stories, like your posts and/or comment on them. Send a message telling them about the upcoming launch with the link.

Top Tips for Launch:

When your platform goes LIVE WithMe will send a series of emails to everyone on the waitlist. These emails happen on launch day, 3 days post launch and 7 days post launch. As those on the waitlist only have 7 days to redeem their 20% off it's up to you to be telling them this on socials.

It's a good idea to remind people to check their spam folder and reiterate that the coupon will expire 7 days after your launch. You can even include a countdown on your stories you can use each time you're talking about this.

Our 7 day pre-launch schedule:

Use this as a guide to help promote your waitlist and create a buzz ahead of you launch.

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