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How To: Film Your Intro Video
How To: Film Your Intro Video

An Important Part of Selling Your Platform So Make Sure You're Getting it Right.

Updated over a week ago

When putting your welcome video together [the one that sits at the top of your profile page] there are a couple of approaches. You can make a little montage video using clips from your classes/offerings with some fun tunes played over the top. Or, you can film something exclusively for this purpose. These are the two types we’ll be exploring here.

The montage

If, for example, you offer a variety of different types of content [for example workouts, recipe videos, and guides] putting together a montage video is a great way to promote every aspect of your platform. You can use clips from your classes and piece them together with shots of yourself in the kitchen cooking your recipes. Then finish it off by picking a fun tune to play over the top, or perhaps even record a voiceover explaining what you offer.

The intro video

If you want something sharp and to the point, a purpose-filmed video speaking straight to the camera is another great option. This gives potential members a glimpse into what you offer on your platform and your approach, but it also gives them an intro into you and your personality. Choose to add clips over the top as sneak peeks of the platform, or keep it simple, speaking straight to the camera.

Have a look at Creator, Eloise's example here.

The things to remember:

  1. Keep it short. People aren’t likely to watch more than a couple of minutes before clicking away.

  2. Make it clear what you offer - is it recipes? workouts? do you offer meal/workout plans?

  3. Make it clear how you offer it - are all the workouts filmed or are some written as guides? Are all the recipes filmed or just written? Do you host live classes? 1-1 sessions?

  4. Use a call to action. For example, you can tell your audience to try your 7 day free trial or/and point them to where they should start. I.e "Try my 7 day free trial, and start your time on my platform with my 7 day beginners workout course, a different workout each day of the week".

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