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Marketing 101: Reducing Churn

What is Churn and How To Reduce It?

Updated over a week ago

Before we dive in to ways to reduce churn, let's start by clarifying what churn actually means [spoiler: it’s actually very simple!]. Churn is the measurement of how many customers stop using a product and this can be measured based on usage [in this case they’re not actually engaging with the platform] or failure to renew [i.e unsubscribing].

But can you reduce the churn rate?

The answer is yes! But the power lies very much in your hands. As a company, FitWith doesn’t communicate with your subscribers - at the end of the day, they’re not there because of us, they’re there because of you and the content you share. As a starting point you should be aiming to talk to them as much as possible to keep them engaged which hopefully, keeps them on the platform as a paying subscriber.

So if increased engagement means a decrease in churn, here are some insights to help.

#1 - Review

If you’ve noticed a peak in your churn rate [or even an increase in engagement] look back at the content you’ve shared to help guide what you share in the future.

#2 - Before you change, engage

If you’ve noticed what you think could be driving a change in subscriber numbers, talk to your community first. The last thing they’ll want is to be caught off-guard and if you change too much, the platform they originally subscribed to could no longer fulfil their needs leading to a fall off - it’s a vicious circle! So jump onto discord, send out some emails, or run a poll or Q&A on Instagram and find out what they’re thinking.

#3 - No such thing as "too much"

Good old algorithms means there’s no such thing as too much communication. Just because you posted a comment/post/update yesterday, it’s not guaranteed everyone will have seen it. So share it again, or post a reminder.

#4 - Keep your current subscribers engaged

Bed into your weekly content calendar opportunities to engage with your current subscribers. Be it announcing a new video or live class they can take part in, or suggesting a 'workout of the day' or your recommendation for their Saturday sweat. Keep creating ways to repurpose and re-spark conversation around content they can engage with.

#5 - Be transparent and ask for feedback

If you’re struggling to nail down what your subscribers are enjoying or using the most, be honest and ask! Post on your discord, or open up your question box on IG and communicate that you want to make sure your content stays as relevant and as useful as it can for them so what would they like to see more of?

#6 - Catch them off-guard

We’re not talking about playing tricks here, but consider collaborating with other brands or individuals that may also be on the radar of those subscribers you’ve lost. If they see you pop up elsewhere it might give them a nudge to think it's relevant to them and bring them back to your platform. Bonus - this could also help draw in new subscribers, to it’s a win-win.

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